this is the Father's will, &c. The true reading is; this is the will of Him that sent Me.

that of all Literally, in order that of all:see on John 6:29.

all which he hath given me -All" is neuter as in John 6:37, and is placed first for emphasis. In the Greek it is a nominativus pendens.

raise it up again at the last day This gracious utterance is repeated as a kind of refrain, John 6:40; John 6:44; John 6:54. -Again" may be omitted. This is -the resurrection of life" (John 5:29), -the first resurrection," the resurrection of the just.

the last day This phrase is peculiar to S. John, and occurs seven times in this Gospel. Elsewhere it is called -the Day of the Lord," -the Great Day," &c.

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