We see more and more as we go on, that this Gospel makes no attempt to be a complete or connected whole. There are large gaps in the chronology. The Evangelist gives us not a biography, but a series of typical scenes, very carefully selected, and painted with great accuracy and minuteness, but not closely connected. As to what guided him in his selection, we know no more than the general purpose stated John 20:31, and it is sufficient for us. Those words and works of Jesus, which seemed most calculated to convince men that He -is the Christ, the Son of God," were recorded by the beloved Apostle. And the fact that they had already been recorded by one or more of the first Evangelists did not deter him from insisting on them again; although he naturally more often chose what they had omitted. In this chapter we have a notable instance of readiness to go over old ground in order to work out his own purpose. The miracle of feeding the Five Thousand is recorded by all four Evangelists, the only miracle that is so. Moreover, it is outside the Judaean ministry; so that for this reason also we might have expected S. John to omit it. But he needs it as a text for the great discourse on the Bread of Life; and this though spoken in Galilee was in a great measure addressed to Jews from Jerusalem; so that both text and discourse fall naturally within the range of S. John's plan.

As in Chap. 5. Christ is set forth as the Source of Life, so in this chapter He is set forth as the Support of Life.


Chap. 6. Christ the Support of Life

This chapter, like the last, contains a discourse arising out of a miracle. It contains moreover an element wanting in the previous chapter, the results of the discourse. Thus we obtain three divisions; 1. The Sign on the Land, the Sign on the Lake, and the Sequel of the Signs(1 25). 2. The Discourse on the Son as the Support of Life(26 59). 3. The opposite Results(60 71).

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