my speech … my word -Speech" is the outward expression, the languageused; -thy speech bewrayeth thee" (Matthew 26:73; comp. Mark 14:70). Besides these two passages the word for -speech" is used only John 4:42, where it is rendered -saying," and here. -Word" is the meaningof the expression, the teaching conveyed in the language used. They perpetually misunderstand His language, because they cannot appreciate His meaning. They are -from beneath" (John 8:23), and He is speaking of -things above" (Colossians 3:1); they are -of this world," and He is telling of -heavenly things" (John 3:12); they are -natural," and He is teaching -spiritual things" (1 Corinthians 2:14; see note there). They - cannothear;" it is amoral impossibility: they have their whole character to change before they can understand spiritual truths.

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