If a man keep my saying Better, if a man keep My word. This is important, to shew the connexion with John 8:31; John 8:43 and also with John 5:24. In all these the same Greek word is used, logos. The phrase -keep My word" is one of frequent occurrence in this Gospel: John 8:52; John 8:55; John 14:23; John 15:20; John 17:6: as also the kindred phrase -keep My commandments:" John 14:15; John 14:21; John 15:10: comp. 1Jn 2:3-5; 1 John 3:22; 1Jn 3:24; 1 John 5:2-3. -Keeping" means not merely keeping in heart, but obeying and fulfilling. This is the way in which they may escape the judgment just spoken of. So that there is no need to suppose that while John 8:49-50 are addressed to His opponents, John 8:51 is addressed after a pause to a more friendly section, a change of which there is no hint.

shall never see death Literally, shall certainly not behold death for ever. But -for ever" belongs, like the negative, to the verb, not to -death." It does not mean -he shall see death, but the death shall not be eternal:" rather -he shall certainly never see death," i.e. he already has eternal life (John 5:24) and shall never lose it. This is evident from John 4:14, which cannot mean -shall thirst, but the thirst shall not be eternal," and from John 13:8, which cannot mean -shalt wash my feet, but the washing shall not be eternal." In all three cases the meaning is the same, -shall certainly never." Comp. John 10:28; John 11:26.

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