John 9 - Introduction
Christ the Source of Truth and Light illustrated by a Sign Light is given to the eyes of the man born blind and the Truth is revealed to his soul.... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ the Source of Truth and Light illustrated by a Sign Light is given to the eyes of the man born blind and the Truth is revealed to his soul.... [ Continue Reading ]
The Prelude to the Sign 1. _And as Jesus passed by_ Or, _And as He was passing by_. This was possibly on His way from the Temple (John 8:59), or it may refer to a later occasion near the Feast of the Dedication (John 10:22). We know that this man begged for his living (John 9:8), and that beggars f... [ Continue Reading ]
John 8:12 TO JOHN 9:41. Christ the Source of Truth and Light In John 8:12-46 the word -true" occurs six times, the word -truth" seven times.... [ Continue Reading ]
John 2:13 TO JOHN 11:57. The Work We here enter on the second portion of the first main division of the Gospel, thus subdivided: The Work (1) among _Jews_, (2) among _Samaritans_, (3) among _Galileans_, (4) among _mixed multitudes_.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Master_ Better, RABBI: see on John 4:31. _who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?_ Literally, _that he_ SHOULD BE _born blind_(see note on John 8:56). This question has given rise to much discussion. It implies a belief that some one _must_have sinned, or there would have bee... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ shews that there is a third alternative, which their question assumes that there is not. Moreover He by implication warns them against assuming a connexion between suffering and sin in individuals (see on John 5:14). _Neither_ DID _this man_ SIN (not -hath sinned"), _nor his parents_. The ans... [ Continue Reading ]
_I must work_, &c. The reading here is somewhat doubtful, as to whether -I" or -we," -Me" or -us" is right in each case. The best authorities give, WE _must work the works of Him that sent Me_, and this, the more difficult reading, is probably correct. Some copyists altered -we" into -I" to make it... [ Continue Reading ]
_As long as I am in the world_ Better, WHENSOEVER _I am in the world_; it is not the same construction as -so long as it is day." The Light shines at various times and in various degrees, whether the world chooses to be illuminated or not. Comp. John 1:5; John 8:12. Here there is special reference t... [ Continue Reading ]
The Sign 6. _anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay_ -Of the blind man" should probably be omitted, -of it" inserted, and the rendering in the margin adopted: SPREAD THE CLAY OF IT (clay made with the spittle) UPON HIS EYES. Regard for Christ's truthfulness compels us to regard the clay as... [ Continue Reading ]
_wash in the pool_ Literally, _wash into the pool_, i.e. -wash off the clay into the pool," or, -go to the pool and wash." The washing was probably part of the means of healing (comp. Naaman) and was a strong test of the man's faith. _Siloam_ Satisfactorily identified with _Birket Silwân_in the low... [ Continue Reading ]
_had seen him that he was blind_ The true reading is, SAW _him that he was_a BEGGAR, or perhaps, BECAUSE _he was a beggar_, i.e. he was often seen in public places. _he that sat and begged_ Or, _he that sitteth and beggeth_; present participles with the article to express his general habit.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Some said_ Or, OTHERS _said_, making three groups of speakers in all. _He is like him_ The better reading is, NO, BUT _he is like him_. The opening of his eyes would greatly change his look and manner: this added to the extreme improbability of a cure made them doubt his identity.... [ Continue Reading ]
_A man that is called Jesus_ This looks as if he had heard little of the fame of Jesus. But the better reading gives, -The man that is called Jesus," which points the other way. _made clay_ He does not say how, for this he had not seen. The rest he tells in order. Omit the words -the pool of." _I r... [ Continue Reading ]
_Where is he?_ That strange (_ekeinos_) Rabbi who perplexes us so much. _I know not_ This shews that he did not return to Jesus after he was healed (John 9:7). -He said" should be, _He_ SAITH.... [ Continue Reading ]
Opposite Results of the Sign 13. _They brought_, &c. Better, _they_ BRING _him to the Pharisees_, HIM _that once was blind_. These friends and neighbours are perhaps well-meaning people, not intending to make mischief. But they are uncomfortable because work has been done on the Sabbath, and they th... [ Continue Reading ]
_it was the sabbath_ We cannot be sure whether this is the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:37) or the next Sabbath. There were seven miracles of mercy wrought on the Sabbath: 1. Withered hand (Matthew 12:9); 2. Demoniac at Capernaum (Mark 1:21); 3. Simon's wife's mother (Mark 1:29); 4.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Then again_ Better, _Again_, THEREFORE. The man is becoming impatient of this cross-questioning: he answers much more briefly than at first (John 9:11).... [ Continue Reading ]
_This man is not of God_ Comp. -He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils" (Matthew 9:34); like this, an argument of the Pharisees. The fact of a miracle is not denied: but it cannot have been done with God's help; therefore it was done with the devil's help. _How can a man that is a s... [ Continue Reading ]
There being a division among them they appeal to the man himself, each side wishing to gain him. -They" includes both sides, the whole body of Pharisees present. Their question is not twofold, but single; not, -What sayest thou of Him? that He hath opened thine eyes?" but _What sayest thou of Him_,... [ Continue Reading ]
_But the Jews did not believe_ Better, _the Jews_, THEREFORE, _did not believe_. The man having pronounced for the moderates, the bigoted and hostile party begin to question the _fact_of the miracle. Note that here and in John 9:22 S. John no longer speaks of the Pharisees, some of whom were not unf... [ Continue Reading ]
Three questions in legal form. Is this your son? Was he born blind? How does he now see? _who ye say_ Emphasis on -ye," implying -we do not believe it;" literally, OF WHOM _ye say_ THAT HE WAS _born blind_.... [ Continue Reading ]
_by what means_ Better, HOW, as in John 9:10_; John 9:15; John 9:19; John 9:26_. In their timidity they keep close to the precise questions asked. _who hath opened_ Better, _who_ OPENED. This is the dangerous point, and they become more eager and passionate. Hitherto there has been nothing emphatic... [ Continue Reading ]
_had agreed_ It does not appear when; but we are probably to understand an informal agreement among themselves rather than a decree of the Sanhedrin. A formal decree would be easily obtained afterwards. The word for -agreed" is used of the agreement with Judas (Luke 22:5, where it is translated -cov... [ Continue Reading ]
_Therefore_ Better, FOR THIS CAUSE (John 12:18; John 12:27): comp. John 1:31; John 5:16; John 5:18; John 6:65; John 8:47. _He is of age; ask him_ Or, _He is of_full _age; ask him_ HIMSELF. This is the right order of the clauses here, and they have been altered in the Received Text of John 9:21 to m... [ Continue Reading ]
_Then again called they_ Literally, _They called_, THEREFORE, A SECOND TIME. They had cross-questioned the parents apart from the son, and now try to browbeat the son, before he finds out that his parents have not discredited his story. _Give God the praise_ Better, GIVE GLORY TO GOD (comp. John 5:4... [ Continue Reading ]
_He answered_ Better, THEREFORE _he answered_. He will not commit himself, but keeps to the incontrovertible facts of the case. _whereas I was blind_ Literally, _being a blind man_, but the Greek participle may be either present or imperfect; either -being by nature a blind man" or -being formerly... [ Continue Reading ]
Being baffled, they return to the details of the fact, either to try once more to shake the evidence, or for want of something better to say.... [ Continue Reading ]
_I have told you_ Rather, _I_ TOLD _you_. _and ye did not hear_ Or possibly, _and did ye not hear?_This avoids taking -hear" in two different senses; (1) -pay attention," (2) -hear." The man loses all patience, and will not go through it again. _wherefore would ye hear_ Or, _wherefore do ye wish t... [ Continue Reading ]
_Then they reviled him_ Omit -then." The word for -revile" occurs nowhere else in the Gospels. Comp. 1 Peter 2:23. Argument fails, so they resort to abuse. _Thou art his disciple_ Better, _Thou art_ THAT MAN'S _disciple_. They use a pronoun which expresses that they have nothing to do with Him. Com... [ Continue Reading ]
_that God spake_ Literally, _that God_ HATH SPOKEN, i.e. that Moses received a revelation _which still remains_. This is a frequent meaning of the perfect tense to express the permanent result of a past action. Thus the frequent formula -it is written" is strictly -it has been written," or -it _stan... [ Continue Reading ]
_a marvellous thing_ Some of the best MSS. read -the marvellous thing." - _You_, the very people who ought to know such things (John 3:10), know not whether He is from God or not, and yet He opened my eyes." -You" is emphatic, and perhaps is a taunting rejoinder to their - _we_know that this man is... [ Continue Reading ]
_God heareth not sinners_ i.e. wilful, impenitent sinners. Of course it cannot mean -God heareth no one who hath sinned," which would imply that God never answers the prayers of men. But the man's dictum, reasonably understood, is the plain teaching of the O.T., whence he no doubt derived it. -The L... [ Continue Reading ]
_Since the world began_ There is no healing of the blind in O.T.... [ Continue Reading ]
_of God_ Or, FROM _God:_comp. John 1:6. _he could do nothing_ The context limits the meaning nothing at all like this, no miracle.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thou wast altogether born in sins_ -In sins (first for emphasis) every part of thy nature (comp. John 13:10) has been steeped from thy birth; thou wast born a reprobate." They hold the same belief as the disciples, that sin before birth is possible, and maliciously exclude not only the alternative... [ Continue Reading ]
_Dost thou believe_ There is a stress on -thou." -Dost _thou_, though others deny and blaspheme, believe?" _On the Son of God_ Again there is much doubt about the reading. The balance of MSS. authority (including both the Sinaitic and the Vatican MSS.) is in favour of -the Son of MAN," which moreove... [ Continue Reading ]
_Who is he, Lord_ We should perhaps insert -and" or -then" with some of the best MSS., AND _Who is He?_or, _Who is He_ THEN? This -and" or -then" has the effect of intensifying the question. Comp. - _and_who is my neighbour?" (Luke 10:29); -Who _then_can be saved?" (John 18:26); -Who is he _then_tha... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thou hast both seen him_ Better, _Thou hast_ EVEN _seen Him, and He that speaketh with thee_ IS HE. The latter half of the sentence is similar to the declaration in John 4:26. "This spontaneous revelation to the outcast from the synagogue _finds its only parallel_in the similar revelation to the ou... [ Continue Reading ]
_Lord, I believe_ Or, I believe, LORD: the order is worth keeping. Comp. the centurion's confession (Matthew 27:54). There is no need to suppose that in either case the man making the confession knew anything like the full meaning of belief in the Son of God: even Apostles were slow at learning that... [ Continue Reading ]
_And Jesus said_ There is no need to make a break in the narrative and refer these words to a subsequent occasion. This is not natural. Rather it is the sight of the man prostrate at His feet, endowed now with sight both in body and soul, that moves Christ to say what follows. His words are addresse... [ Continue Reading ]
"The concluding verses contain a saying which is thoroughly in the manner of the Synoptists (cf. Matthew 15:14; Matthew 23:16-17; Matthew 23:24; Matthew 23:26). It also supplies a warranty for ascribing a typical significance to miracles. That the Synoptists do not relate this miracle does not affe... [ Continue Reading ]
_And some of_ Better, THOSE _of_. _Are we blind also?_ Or, SURELY WE ALSO ARE NOT BLIND? See on John 9:27. Of course they understand Him to be speaking figuratively. It is strange that any should have understood their question as referring to bodily sight. They mean that they, the most enlightened... [ Continue Reading ]
_If ye were blind_ Christ returns to His own meaning of -blind" or -they which see not" in John 9:39. -If ye were conscious of your own spiritual darkness, if ye yearned and strove to reach the light, _ye_would _not have sin_(see on John 15:22); for either ye would find the light, or, if ye failed,... [ Continue Reading ]