Jonah 2:1

_Then Jonah prayed_ What follows, Jonah 2:2, is rather a thanksgiving than a prayer. The same, however, may be said of Hannah's utterance (1 Samuel 2:1-10), which is introduced by the same word ("Hannah _prayed_"). Comp. Acts 16:25, where Alford renders "praying, sung praises," or "in their prayers... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:2

_and said_ The prayer which follows falls naturally into three parts or divisions. In each of these the two elements of danger and deliverance, of need and help, appear. But they enter into them in very different proportions. Faith grows, and the prospect brightens at each fresh stage of the hymn. T... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:3

_hadst cast_ There is no pluperf. tense in the Heb. language. There is no need, however, here to depart from the more literal rendering CASTEDST or DIDST CAST, R.V. See note on Jonah 2:1. _the deep_ The same word is used (in the plur.) literally of Pharaoh and his host, Exodus 15:5, "They sank into... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:4

_Then I said_, &c. The first clause of this verse may, perhaps, be a reminiscence of the first clause of Psalms 31:22 (Heb. 23), though there the words "in my haste" are added, and a different verb ("cut off" instead of "cast out") is used. "Jonah substitutes the stronger word, _I am cast forth_, dr... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:5

_compassed me about_ It would be better, perhaps, to render SURROUNDED ME, in order to show that this is a different word from that in Jonah 2:3, and then in the second clause of this verse, where the word is the same as in Jonah 2:3, to render COMPASSED ME ABOUT, instead of _closed me round about_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:6

_bottoms_ Lit., as in margin, " CUTTINGS OFF," the mountains being poetically conceived of as stretching away their roots or ridges to the lowest depths of the sea, and there ending or being cut off. _her bars_ Lit., ( AS FOR) THE EARTH, HER BARS, &c. The idea is that the gates of the earth were no... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:7

_fainted_ Lit., COVERED ITSELF; with reference to the film and darkness that comes over eye and mind in fainting and exhaustion. Comp. Psalms 142:3; Psalms 107:5, where the same Heb. word occurs. _thine holy temple_ at Jerusalem, as in Jonah 2:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:8

_observe lying vanities_ Comp. Psalms 31:6, where the same Heb. word is rendered "regard." By "lying vanities" we are to understand "all inventions with which men deceive themselves" (Calvin), all false, and therefore vain and disappointing objects of trust and confidence. Idols and false gods are n... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 2:9

_But I_ in contrast to my former self, and to the whole body of those of whom I then was one, will humbly claim and gratefully acknowledge my share in "my Mercy." "I will sacrifice unto Thee," &c. _Salvation is of the Lord_ Comp. Psalms 3:8; Revelation 7:10. This is at once confession and praise, a... [ Continue Reading ]

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