Jonah 3:1

Jonah's Preaching 1. _the second time_ Like St Peter (John 21:15-17), Jonah is not only forgiven, but restored to his office, and receives anew his commission.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:1-10

Jonah 3:1-10. Jonah's Preaching and its result Sent a second time by God on a mission to Nineveh, Jonah promptly obeys, Jonah 3:1 _a_. He enters into Nineveh and delivers his message, Jonah 3:3; Jonah 3:3. The Ninevites believe God and repent, Jonah 3:5; and are spared, Jonah 3:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:2

_that great city_ Calvin explains this repeated mention of the greatness of Nineveh (comp. Jonah 1:2), as intended to prepare Jonah for the magnitude of the task before him, lest when he came face to face with it he should be appalled and draw back. But perhaps the true key is to be found in Jonah 4... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:3

_arose, and went_ Before, he _arose and fled_. He is still the same man. There is still the same energy and decision of character. But he is now "as ready to obey as before to disobey." _was_ It has been asserted that the use of the past tense here, "according to all sound rules of interpretation, m... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:4

_And Jonah began to enter into the city_ Calvin well brings out the moral grandeur of the scene which this verse so simply and briefly describes; the promptitude of Jonah's action, in entering without delay or hesitation or enquiry, immediately, as it would seem, upon his reaching the city, upon his... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:5

The Happy Result of Jonah's Preaching 5. _believed God_ Or, BELIEVED IN GOD. Three things their faith certainly embraced. They believed in the God of the Hebrews, as the true God. They believed in His power to execute the threat which He had held out. They believed in His mercy and willingness to fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:6

_For word came unto_ Rather, AND THE TIDINGS REACHED, R.V. The introduction of the word "for" for "and" in A.V. is of the nature of a gloss. Our translators appear to have taken the view that Jonah 3:5 states _generally_the effect of Jonah's preaching upon the Ninevites, and that Jonah 3:6 relate mo... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:7

_and published_ This word is not a participle, though likely to be taken for one in the A.V. It is literally, " AND HE CAUSED A PROCLAMATION TO BE MADE, AND SAID, &c. _the decree_ The word here used is not properly a Hebrew word. It occurs frequently in the Chaldee of Daniel and Ezra to denote a ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:8

_and cry mightily_ These words are to be restricted to "man." They do not include, as some have thought (comparing Joel 1:18; Joel 1:20), "beast" as well. The addition "mightily" favours the restriction, and so also does the exact order of the Hebrew: "Let them be clothed with sackcloth, man and bea... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:9

_Who can tell_ Comp. Joel 2:14, where the Hebrew is the same. Calvin well explains the doubtful form assumed by the king's decree. "How can it be," he asks, "that the king of Nineveh repented earnestly and unfeignedly, and yet spoke doubtfully of the grace of God?" I answer, that there is a kind of... [ Continue Reading ]

Jonah 3:10

_that they turned from their evil way_ "See what removed that inevitable wrath. Did fasting and sackcloth alone? No, but the change of the whole life. How does this appear? From the prophet's word itself. For he who spake of the wrath of God and of their fast, himself mentions the reconciliation and... [ Continue Reading ]

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