The Possession of the Tribe of Gad

25. their coast was Jazer or Jaazer. We first hear of it in possession of the Amorites, and as taken by Israel after Heshbon, and on their way from thence to Bashan (Numbers 21:32). At present it is identified with Szîr, or Seir, nine Roman miles west of Ammân, and about 12 from Heshbon. For coastsee above, Joshua 13:16.

all the cities of Gilead i.e. of the southern part of Gilead, which belonged to the kingdom of Sihon, for the other half, on the north of the Jabbok, which was governed by king Og, was allotted to the half tribe of Manasseh.

half the land of the children of Ammon i.e. that portion of the land which had been taken from them by the Amorites under Sihon, for the Israelites were not allowed to attack the land of the Ammonites themselves (Deuteronomy 2:19; Judges 11:13 sq.).

unto Aroer i.e. unto Aroer of Gad(Numbers 32:34), not the Aroer near the Arnon (of Joshua 13:16), that is before Rabbah, the capital of the Ammonites, famous (a) in the history of Jephthah (Judges 11:33), and (b) in the history of David (2 Samuel 24:5).

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