and from Heshbon Thus the extension northward of the tribe is expressed, unto Ramath-mizpeh, which is identical with the early sanctuary at which Jacob and Laban set up their cairn of stones, and which received the names of Mizpeh, Galeed, and Jegar-Sahadutha, and which probably was the same as the famous Ramoth-gilead, where (a) Ahab was slain (1 Kings 22:1-37), (b) his son Joram was wounded by Hazael (2 Kings 8:28), (c) Jehu was anointed king (2 Kings 9:1-6). It is the modern es-Salton the road from Jericho to Damascus.

and Betonim a town somewhere on the northern boundary of Gad. Its site was unknown to Jerome.

and from Mahanaim in the east, unto Debir, on the heights which border the Jordan on the west. Mahanaim (the two hosts) is famous in the history (a) of Jacob's return from Padanaram (Genesis 32:2), (b) of Ishbosheth's reign (2 Samuel 2:8), (c) of David's flight from Absalom (2 Samuel 17:24; 2 Samuel 17:27). The site of Debir is undetermined.

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