and in the valley i. e. the valley of the Jordan. The possessions of the Gadites are now described in this valley as far north as the Sea of Galilee.

Beth-aram or Beth-haran, the modern Beit-haran(Numbers 32:36). In later times it was known as Bethramphtha, and was called Julias or Livias by Herod Antipas in honour of the Emperor Augustus.

Beth-nimrah or Nimrah(Numbers 32:3), which name still survives in the Nahr Nimrîn, close to one of the fords of Jordan just above Jericho.

and Succoth (" Booths"), in the Jordan valley, between Peniel, near the ford of the torrent Jabbok, and Shechem (Genesis 32:30; Genesis 33:18). It is famous (a) in the history of Jacob's return from Padan-aram; of (b) Gideon's pursuit of Zebah and Zalmunna (Judges 8:5-17); (c) as the spot at which the brass foundries were placed for casting the metal-work of the Temple (1 Kings 7:46; 2 Chronicles 4:17). Its position has not been exactly ascertained, and no place resembling Zaphonalso has yet been discovered.

Jordan and his border See above, Joshua 13:23. For the Sea of Chinnereth= the "sea of Galilee," see above, Joshua 12:3.

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