from the south The LXX. here gives a proper name, "from Teman." This was the former southern limit of the Avites" territory.

all the land of the Canaanites Here some would insert a full stop, as though the words summed up what had gone before.

and Mearah "Mara of Sydonys," Wyclif. This place is only mentioned in this passage. The word meârâh means in Hebrew "a cave" (see margin), and it has been commonly supposed that the reference is to a remarkable cavern near Zidon. A village called el-Mughârhas been found in the mountains of Naphtali some 10 miles west of the northern extremity of the Sea of Galilee, which it has been thought may possibly represent the ancient Mearab. See Menke's Bible Atlas, Plate iii.

unto Aphek A city in the extreme north of Asher, now Afka, N. E. of Beyrout, and apparently beyond Sidon. It was called by the Greeks Aphaca, and was noted for a temple of Venus destroyed by Constantine.

to the borders of the Amorites i.e. on the extreme north border of the Amorites, or the land once inhabited by them, and which afterwards passed to Og, king of Bashan.

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