Boundaries of Western Manasseh

7. And the coast We now have a description of the boundaries of Manasseh. And first (a), Joshua 17:7, of the southernboundary towards Ephraim; and (b), second, Joshua 17:10, of the northernand easternboundaries.

was from Asher The description of the southern boundary commences at the eastern end. The Asherhere spoken of is not the tribe of Asher, but a city on the east of Shechem. Eusebius places it on the road from Shechem to Bethshean. "Three quarters of an hour from Tûbâsis the hamlet of Teyâsîr, which may probably be identified with Asher, a town of Manasseh." Porter's Handbook, ii. 348.

to Michmethah See ch. Joshua 16:6. It is described as facing Shechem (Nablûs).

the border went along The boundary now turned towards the right in a northerly direction, to the inhabitants of En-tappuah.

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