Joshua 20:1

Joshua 20:1-6. The Divine Command respecting the Cities of Refuge 1. _The Lord also spake unto Joshua_ As soon as the Tribes had received the portion of their inheritance, the Lord directed that Joshua should carry out the injunctions which Moses had left respecting the Cities of Refuge for the acc... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:2

_cities of refuge_ "The cityes of fugityues," Wyclif. Prior to the Mosaic age, it was required of the nearest of kin, as a matter of duty, to avenge the death of a slain relative. He was called the _Goel_or _Avenger_, and together with his office inherited the property of the deceased. Sometimes a w... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:3

_That the slayer that killeth any person unawares_ In accordance with these regulations a wide distinction was made between the man who committed wilful murder, and one who slew another by mistake, in ignorance, and unintentionally. (_a_) In the former case the guilty criminal met with no compassion... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:4

_shall stand at the entering of the gate of the city_ not i.e. outside the gate of the city, but in the forum, or public place of judgment. Comp. Ruth 4:1-2. _in the ears of the elders of that city_ Before the fugitive could avail himself of the shelter conceded by the laws, he was to undergo a sol... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:5

_And if the avenger of blood pursue_ "And when the blood wreker him pursue," Wyclif. The steps are now prescribed which were to be taken, in the event of the Avenger of Blood pursuing the homicide. He was not to be delivered up into his hands, but kept securely.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:6

_until the death of the high priest_ "To the tyme that the great priest dye," Wyclif. The protection granted was provisional, until the manslayer and the pursuer could be duly heard by the assembly of the elders of the city where the occurrence took place, and the guilt or innocence of the former es... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:7-9

The Selection of the Cities of Refuge 7. _And they appointed_ Rather, they SANCTIFIED, SET APART FOR A SACRED PURPOSE. The Cities of Refuge were intended to preserve the People and the Land of Jehovah from blood-guiltiness. Hence the appointment to so high a purpose carried with it also the idea of... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:8

_Bezer_ was the most southerly of the cities chosen on the east of the Jordan. It was in the same latitude as Jericho. _in the wilderness upon the plain_ On or near the upland "downs" of Reuben, probably not far from Heshbon. With the other two cities on the east of Jordan Bezer had been selected b... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 20:9

_These were the cities appointed_ "Civitates constitutæ," Vulgate. "The citees ordeyned," Wyclif. _for the stranger that sojourneth_ "And to comlyngis that dwellen among hem;" Wyclif. Observe that the Mosaic Law applied its merciful provisions not only to the members of the Elect Nation, as though... [ Continue Reading ]

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