Joshua 23:1

Joshua 23:1-16. Joshua's first Farewell Address 1. _had given rest_ Comp. Joshua 21:43-44; Joshua 22:3-4. _waxed old_ Comp. Joshua 13:1, "Now Joshua was old and stricken in years." _stricken in age_ Heb. _come into days_; "of ful eld age," Wyclif.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:2

_called for all Israel_ Where we are not told. But perhaps at Timnath-serah (Joshua 19:50), or possibly at Shiloh. On the occasion of his second farewell discourse the tribes were convened at Shechem (Joshua 24:1). _and for their elders_ The word "_and_" is not found in the Hebrew. If any word is t... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:4

_these nations that remain_ Joshua reminds them that not only the nations who had been actually conquered, but the remnants still unsubdued, were delivered into their power.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:6

_Be ye therefore very courageous_ Joshua exhorts them to bravery and constancy in the same terms as he had been exhorted himself. See above, Joshua 1:7.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:7

_That ye come not among these nations_ He especially warns them against all intercourse with the heathen nations, and, above all, against any participation in their idolatries. _make mention of the name of their gods_ "To make mention of the names of the gods (Exodus 23:13), to swear by them, to se... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:9

_For the Lord_ He again reminds them of the true Source of their strength, and to Whom they were indebted for their late victories.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:12

_if ye do_ "If ye do in any wise turn back, and cleave to the remnant of these nations, these that remain with you, and make marriages with them, and ye come among them, and they among you, know for a certainty that the protection of the Almighty will fail you, and His arm will no more give you succ... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:13

_snares_ The word thus rendered denotes (i) a net, trap-net, especially of a fowler; (ii) a snare such as seizes and holds beasts or men by the feet. Comp. Job 18:9, "the gin shall take him by the heel;" Jeremiah 18:22, "they have … hid _snares_for my feet." The form of this trap-net appears from th... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:14

_I am going the way of all the earth_ i.e. on the way to death, which a man goes and returns not; the way which all the earth, the whole world, must take, "into the land of darkness and the shadow of death." Comp. Job 10:21; and 1 Kings 2:2, where the words are used by David in his last address to S... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 23:15

_it shall come to pass_ He reiterates his solemn warning against backsliding, and recalls to their minds the promises and threats contained in the last address of Moses to the people. _all evil things_ "whateuer thing of yuelis he manaasside;" Wyclif. Comp. Leviticus 26:14-39; Deuteronomy 28:15-68;... [ Continue Reading ]

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