And Israel served the Lord The remarks here made as to the conduct of the nation after the death of Joshua are quite in keeping with the design of the book. They afford "evidence of the fruit, which resulted from Joshua's faithful activity for the Lord in Israel." "As on the dark sky when some flashing meteor has swept across it with a path of fire, there remains still after the glory has departed a lingering line of light, so was it with this mighty man, glorious in life, and leaving even after he was gone, the record of his abundant faithfulness still to hold for a season heavenward the too wandering eyes of Israel." Bp Wilberforce's Heroes of Hebrew History, p. 154.

that overlived Joshua Heb. that prolonged their days after Joshua. Comp. Judges 2:7, margin.

all the works of the Lord in the delivery of the nation from Egyptian bondage, their guidance through the desert, and their settlement in the Promised Land.

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