Introduction to the story of Jephthah

Apostasy followed by oppression, the cry for help by deliverance: such is the religious interpretation of the succeeding period given by the Dtc. editor in his accustomed manner. His phrases appear in Judges 10:6, cf. Judges 2:11; Judges 2:13; Judges 3:7 etc. This summary is much longer than usual, and resembles Judges 2:6 to Judges 3:6 in its general character and scope (see Introd. § 2 b). The Dtc. editor seems to have expanded an earlier and shorter preface which is probably contained in Judges 10:10, and shews signs of relationship with the source E. Judges 10:6 b, Judges 10:8 (in part), the end of Judges 10:11 and the beginning of Judges 10:12, appear to be still later expansions. It is surprising to find such a long introduction in the middle of the book; perhaps it was expanded, first by the Dtc. editor and then by a later hand, in order to cover not only the Ammonite, but the Philistine oppression, in fact all the remaining portion of the history. The last two verses (17 and 18) appear to be simply derived from the following chapter (as Judges 8:33-35 from ch. 9), and intended to connect the passing reference to the Ammonite invasion in Judges 10:7 with the more detailed narrative which follows.

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