to Gaza -His degeneration began at Gaza, therefore he was punished at Gaza," runs the Rabbinic comment, which also sees a just retribution for the sin of his eyes (Judges 14:3 lit. -she is right in mine eyes") in the loss of his eyes. Talm. Sota9 b.

and he did grind It was his continual task, as the tense indicates. Grinding corn for the household was the work of women (Ecclesiastes 12:3 RVm., St Matthew 24:41), of the housewife or of female slaves (Exodus 11:5, cf. Isaiah 47:2). Male prisoners and captives were sometimes condemned to this labour, as for example King Zedekiah in Babylon, according to the Gk. version of Jeremiah 52:11. Similarly among the Romans, minor offenders were set to work at the public mills.

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