prove Israel Judges 3:1; Judges 3:4, as He had provedthem in the wilderness, Exodus 16:4 J, Exodus 15:25; Exodus 20:20 E, Deuteronomy 8:2; Deuteronomy 8:16; Deuteronomy 13:3. The purpose of God's provingis to test man's loyalty and to perfect the character, Genesis 22:1; Psalms 26:2; James 1:2-4. In Judges 2:20 the nations were not driven out because Israel must be punished, in Judges 2:22 because Israel must be tested. The two ideas are not irreconcileable in thought; but it is probable that Judges 2:22 was not written by the author of Judges 2:20; at any rate the form of the sentence whether they will keep … or notis Deuteronomic; see the refs. to Deut. just given. In the Hebrew waymust be corrected to waysto agree with therein(plur.).

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