Wherefore I also said Moreover also I said; perhaps referring to the warning in Joshua 23:13 D, Numbers 33:55 P, from which latter place the expressions in this verse appear to be borrowed. Others translate -and I have also said," a present, resolve in antithesis to the past promise -And I said, I will never break" etc. in Judges 2:1 b; but the antithesis is hardly to be extracted from the Hebr.

they shall beas thorns in your sides Supplying -as thorns" from Numbers 33:55, to make sense; cf. Joshua 23:13 -thorns in your eyes"; the word -as thorns" may have been omitted here by accident. Instead of -they shall be sides (!) unto you" (ṣiddim) the Vulgate and Targ. have -they shall be adversaries" (ṣarim); the LXX, taking ṣarimas = ṣaroth, render -straits," -distresses," so Vet. Ital. in angustias, in pressura: these are probably only conjectures. It has been proposed to pronounce ṣiddim-sides" as ṣaddim, and give it the sense of the Assyrian ṣaddu-a net, trap"; this would make a good parallel to -snare" at the end of the verse; but the Assyr. form is not quite certain (? zaddu).

their gods … a snare unto you Cf. Exodus 23:33; Exodus 34:12; Deuteronomy 7:16; Joshua 23:13.

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