Bochim i.e. -Weepers." The author sees in this name of the place a recollection of the Angel's reproof and the people's repentance. But such a form as Bochim, active ptcp. plur., is very unusual in a place-name, and it has probably been adapted to suit the present occasion. Originally the name may have been Bekaim -balsam-trees," cf. 2 Samuel 5:23 f.; Psalms 84:6 (see RVm.).

and they sacrificed there i.e. in Beth-el; see on Judges 2:1 a, to which this sentence belongs. The appearance of the Angel consecrates the place, and an altar henceforward marks it as a sanctuary; cf. Judges 6:24; Judges 13:15-20; 2 Samuel 24:16; 2 Samuel 24:18. Another ancient tradition carried back the consecration of Beth-el to the times of the patriarch Jacob, Genesis 28, 35; according to the later view of the Priestly writer the religious centre of Israel was not at Beth-el, but at Shiloh, Joshua 18:1; Joshua 19:51; cf. ch.Judges 21:12 n.

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