chiefs Lit. the word = corner, of a house Job 1:19, or of a city Nehemiah 3:24; Nehemiah 3:31 f.; also a corner-stoneIsaiah 28:16, cf. Jeremiah 51:26. As suggestive of support or prominence, the cornercould be used in a metaphorical sense; cf. 1 Samuel 14:38; Isaiah 19:13.

even of all the tribes even ofis not in the Hebr.; read and all the tribeswith LXX. cod. A.

presented themselves took their stand, ready for what might happen; cf. Exodus 19:17; Deuteronomy 31:14; 1 Samuel 17:16.

the assembly of the people of God Only here; usually the assembly of Jehovahor of God, Deuteronomy 23:1-3; Nehemiah 13:1. The number 400,000 is obviously exaggerated; contrast the Song of Deborah, which reckons the warriors of all Israel at 40,000, Judges 5:8. The treatment of history in the narrative of B reflects the ideas of the church-nation of a later day; cf. the impossible figures of P, Exodus 12:37. Moore notes that the Roman army which destroyed Jerusalem in a.d. 70 numbered about 60,000; and the German army which captured Paris in 1870, about 240,000.

that drew sword Cf. Judges 20:15; Judges 20:17; Judges 20:25; Judges 20:35; Judges 20:46, Jdg 8:10, 2 Samuel 24:9.

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