on the third day The account of the battle becomes exceedingly confused. It seems to be rounded off at Judges 20:35 in the usual way, with a statement of the result and numbers slain; but in Judges 20:36 ff. we find the battle still in progress, and we go through the various incidents again. This repetition is due partly to the combination of the narratives A and B, and partly, it would seem, to the insertion of editorial expansions or glosses. In the main Judges 20:30 a come from the later source B; and in the main 36b 47 may be assigned to the earlier source A. Details which appear to lie outside these two versions, or merely repeat phrases from them, may be regarded, provisionally, as later additions; see on Judges 20:31; Judges 20:37b, Judges 20:43; Judges 20:44 b Judges 20:46.

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