a kid Cf. Judges 13:15; Judges 13:19 and Genesis 18:7 (a calf). An ephahwas approximately equivalent to our bushel; in Genesis 18:6 Abraham orders the same quantity, -three seahs" (one ephah, cf. Isaiah 5:10 ephahin LXX = μέτρα τρία). Unleavened cakescould be made rapidly, 1 Samuel 28:24; for the basketand potcf. Genesis 40:16 ff., 1 Samuel 2:14.

and presented it lit. -brought it near," cf. Genesis 27:25. Perhaps we should read with the LXX and drew near(involving only a change of vowels), for the meal has not yet passed out of Gideon's hands; he is expecting to be told what to do with it.

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