putting their hand to their mouth These words do not agree with Judges 7:5, where -lappeth" is explained -with his tongue, as a dog lappeth"; they belong to those who -bowed down upon their knees to drink water," and should be transferred to the end of the verse. LXX. cod. A and Luc. after -lapped" reads with their tongue, and leaves out -to their mouth."

It is difficult to see the point of the test. Was it that the majority who knelt down to drink shewed that they were thinking only of their thirst, heedless of the risk of being taken by surprise; while -the three hundred" were able, while they lapped, to keep their faces towards the enemy and their hands upon their weapons? -The test in fact was a test of attitude, which, after all, both in physical and moral warfare, has proved of far greater value than strength or skill," G. A. Smith, Hist. Geogr., p. 399; perhaps this is as much as we can say.

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