A reason for these purifications is given.

my tabernacle Another name for the tabernacle is (Heb. mishkân) dwelling, e.g. Exodus 25:9 R.V. mg. In Exodus 25-27, and in parts of 35 40 the word is used to denote the structure described in 26, 36, and distinguished as the -tabernacle" from the -tent over the tabernacle" (Exodus 26:7; Exodus 36:14 in R.V.). But in other passages it is used as the equivalent of the -tent of meeting" for the tabernacle with its covering tent. It indicates the place where God dwells among the children of Israel according to His promise (so in Leviticus 16:16; Leviticus 26:11 f.; Exodus 29:45; cp. Exodus 25:8; Numbers 5:3; Numbers 35:34), and is used only of the tabernacle 1 [52] (in the plur., Numbers 24:5, it is used of Israel in poetical parallelism with -tents"). The combination -tabernacle of the tent of meeting" occurs Exodus 40:2; Exodus 40:6; Exodus 40:29 †. As the A.V. renders both -ohel(see on Leviticus 1:1) and mishkânby -tabernacle," the difference does not appear in that version.

[52] The use of the word tabernacle of the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (see McNeile C. B. ad loc. Numbers 16:24; Numbers 16:27) is very strange, and the text must be considered doubtful.

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