the testimony - çduth, always with the definite article, except in the Psalms. This was something put into the ark, Exodus 25:16; Exodus 25:21; Exodus 40:20; cp. -which I shall give thee," Exodus 25:16, with Exodus 31:18, -And he gave unto Moses … the two tables of the testimony." They are so called Exodus 32:15, and are identified with the first tables on which the ten words were written, Deuteronomy 5:22; Deuteronomy 9:10-17. The first tables being broken were replaced by others which were put into the ark, Exodus 34:28-29; Deuteronomy 10:1-5. Hence the ark is called the -ark of the testimony," and the tabernacle is called the -tabernacle (mishkân) of the testimony," Exodus 38:21; Numbers 1:50; Numbers 1:53; Numbers 10:11, and the -tent ("ohel) of the testimony," Numbers 9:15; Numbers 17:7; Numbers 18:2 (note that of these three passages which are all that contain the expression, the first is correctly rendered by A.V., but the other two are rendered -tabernacle of witness").

The mercy-seat (kappôreth) which is upon the ark is described here as -the mercy-seat that is upon the testimony"; and the veil (pârôkheth) which is before the ark is described (Exodus 27:21) as -the veil which is before the testimony," and (Leviticus 24:3) as -the veil of the testimony."

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