ye tithe mint and rue Deuteronomy 14:22. In the Talmud there are elaborate discussions whether in tithing the seeds of potherbs one ought also to tithe the stalk, &c.

pass over judgment and the love of God Because the love of God is best shewn by love to men, and the Pharisees were filled with immoral contempt for those whom they regarded as less learned or less attentive to scrupulosities than themselves. The Pharisees still exist as a party among Eastern Jews, and are called Perushim.So bad is their character that the bitterest term of reproach in Jerusalem is -You are a Porish!" How little they have changed from their character, as Christ depicted it, may be seen from the testimony of a Jewish writer. "They proudly separate themselves from the rest of their co-religionists Fanatical, bigoted, intolerant, quarrelsome, and in truth irreligious, with them the outward observance of the ceremonial law is everything; the moral law little binding, morality itself of no importance" (See Frankl., Jews in the East, ii. 27).

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