31-35 . A Message to Herod Antipas.

31. The same day Or, In that very hour(א, A, D, L, &c.).

Get thee out, and depart hence These Pharisees were as eager as the Gadarenes to get rid of Jesus; but whether this was their sole motive or whether they further wished to separate Him from the multitudes who as yet protected His life, and to put Him in the power of the Sadducean hierarchy, is not clear. That any solicitude for His safety was purely hypocritical appears in the tone of our Lord's answer, which is yet far more merciful than that in which the prophet Amos had answered a similar message from an analogous quarter. Amos 7:12-17 .

for Herod will kill thee Rather, wills to kill thee. The assertion was probably quite untrue. Herod had not even wished to kill John, but had done so with great reluctance, and had been deeply troubled in conscience ever since. He did indeed wish to seeChrist, but it was with the very different desire of "seeing some miracle done by Him" (Luke 23:8).

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