with one consent i.e. apo mias gnomes;or -with one voice," if we understand phones.

to make excuse The Greek word is the exact equivalent of our - to beg off."The same fact is indicated in John 1:11; John 5:40, and in the "ye would not" of Luke 13:34; and the reasonis the antipathy of the natural or carnal man (ὁ ψυχικὸς )to God, John 15:24.

have me excused The original is consider me as having been excused.The very form of the expression involves the consciousness that his excuse of necessity (ἀνάγκην ἔχω) was merelyan excuse. There is, too,

an emphasis on the me"excusatum mehabeas" it may be the duty of others to go; Iam an exception.

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