Son Rather, Child. Even in the punishment of Hades he is addressed by a word of tenderness (Luke 15:31; Luke 19:9).

receivedst Rather, receivedst to the full.

thy good things...evil things The -good things'of Dives were such as he had accounted to be absolutely his own, and to be really good (Matthew 6:2); the -evil things" of Lazarus were not -his," but part of God's merciful discipline to him, Revelation 7:14. The parable gives no ground for the interpretation that the temporal felicity of Dives was a reward for any good things he had done, or the misery of Lazarus a punishment for his temporal sins.

but novo Add - here?with the best MSS.

thou art tormented -Pained," as before. The parable is practically an expansion of the beatitudes and woes of Luke 6:22-25.

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