Luke 19:1-10. Zacchaeus the Tax-gatherer.

1. entered and passed through Literally, "having entered Jericho was passing through it."

Jericho Jericho (the City of Palm trees, Deuteronomy 34:3; Judges 1:16) is about 6 miles from the Jordan, and 15 from Jerusalem. It was from a point opposite to it that Moses had viewed Canaan, Deuteronomy 34:1. When taken by Joshua the site had been cursed (Joshua 6:26 ):but, in the reign of Ahab, Hiel of Bethel defied and underwent the curse (1 Kings 16:34). In later times Jericho became a great and wealthy town, being fertilised by its abundant spring (2 Kings 2:21) and enriched by its palms and balsams, Jos. Antt.iv. 6; B. J.IV. 8; Sir 24:14, "I was exalted like a palm tree in Engaddi and like a rose plant in Jericho." The plant however usually called the rose of Jericho is the Anastatica Hierochuntiaof Linnaeus. A mediaeval Itinerary says that the site on which now stands the miserable and degraded village of Riha was -most rich in flowers and odoriferous shrubs."

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