45, 46. Final Cleansing of the Temple.

45. he went into the temple The procession of Galilaean pilgrims would leave Jesus at the foot of Mount Moriah (the -Mountain of the House," Isaiah 2:2), beyond which none might advance with dusty feet or stained by travel. Jesus would enter by the Shushan gate.

began to cast out, &c. As He had also done at the beginningof His ministry, John 2:15. The needs of the pilgrims the money which had to be changed the purchase of cattle for sacrifice, &c. had made the cloisters, precincts, and even the outer court of the Temple a scene of noisy and greedy barter, as the nave of St Paul's used to be a few generations ago. For further details, see Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17.

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