The Circumcision

21. for the circumcising of the child Genesis 17:12. Doubtless the rite was performed by Joseph. "Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision" (i. e. went to the Jew first) "for the truth of God to confirm the promises made unto the fathers," Romans 15:8. Thus it became him -to be made like unto His brethren, and to fulfil all righteousness," Matthew 3:15. Christ suffered pain thus early for our sake to teach us that, though He ordained for us the painless rite of baptism, we must practise the spiritual circumcision the circumcision of the heart. He came "not to destroy the Law but to fulfil," Matthew 5:17

"He, who with all heaven's heraldry whilere

Entered the world, now bleeds to give us ease.

Alas, how soon our sin

Sore doth begin

His infancy to seize!"

Milton, The Circumcision.

his name was called JESUS See on Luke 1:31. The name of the child was bestowed at circumcision, as with us at baptism. Among Greeks and Romans also the genethliaand nominaliawere on the eighth or ninth day. Observe the brief notice of Christ's circumcision compared with the fuller and more elaborate account of John's. "In the person of John the rite of circumcision solemnised its last glories."

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