fulfilled the days Exodus 12:15.

the child Jesus Rather, "the boy Jesus" (ὁ παῖς). St Luke seems purposely to have narrated something about the Saviour at every stage of His earthly existence as babe (Luke 2:16), little child (Luke 2:40), boy, and man.

tarried behind Among the countless throngs of Jews who flocked to the Passover nearly three millions according to Josephus (Antt.VI. 9. 3) nothing would be easier than to lose sight of one young boy in the thronged streets, or among the thousands of booths outside the city walls. Indeed it is an incident which to this day often occurs at Jerusalem in similar cases. It should be also remembered that at the age of 12 an Eastern boy is far more mature than is the case with Northern nations, and that at that age a far wider liberty was allowed him.

Joseph and his mother The true reading is probably His parents, א, B, D, L.

knew not of it The fact is very interesting as shewing the naturalness and unconstraint in which our Lord was trained.

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