about my Father's business Rather, in my Father's house. See Excursus I. These words are very memorable as being the first recorded words of Jesus. They bear with them the stamp of authenticity in their half-vexed astonishment, and perfect mixture of dignity and humility. It is remarkable too, that He does not accept the phrase "Thy father" which Mary had employed. "Did ye not know?" recalls their fading memory of Who He was; and the "I must" lays down the law of devotion to His Father by which He was to walk even to the Cross. Psalms 40:7-9. "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me and to finish His work," John 4:34. For His lastrecorded words, see Acts 1:7-8.

my Father's it is remarkable that Christ always says ὁ πατήρ μου (with the article) but teaches us to say πατὴρ ἡμῶν (without the article): e. g. in John 20:17 it is, "I ascend unto the Father of me and Father of you." God is His Father in a different way from that in which He is ours. He is our Father only because He is HisFather. See Pearson On the Creed, Art. i.

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