Luke 21:1-4. The Widow's Mite.
1. _he looked up_ The expression seems to shew that He was sitting
with downcast eyes, saddened, perhaps, in His human spirit and
agitated by the great Denunciation; but this last little incident is
-like a rose amid a field of thistles," an act genuinely beautiful in... [ Continue Reading ]
_also_ If the _kai_be genuine, it should perhaps follow the
_tina_"some one even a widow."
_two mites_ "which make a farthing," Mark 12:42. The _lepton_or
_prutah_was the smallest of coins, and the Rabbis did not allow any
one to give less than two.... [ Continue Reading ]
_more than they all_ because "one coin out of a little is better than
a treasure out of much, and it is not considered how much is given,
but how much remains behind." S. Ambrose. See 2 Corinthians 8:12. In
the Talmud a High Priest is similarly taught by a vision not to
despise a poor woman's offeri... [ Continue Reading ]
_of their abundance_] Rather, OUT OF THEIR OVERPLUS. The essence of
charity is self-denial. But in these days most people give -
_mites"_out of their vast superfluity, which is no charity at all; and
they talk of these offerings as -mites," as though that word excused
and even consecrated an offerin... [ Continue Reading ]
5-7. The Doom of the Temple, and the Question about the End.
5. _as some spake_ We learn from the other Evangelists that those who
spoke were the Apostles, and that the question was asked as Jesus sat
on the Mount of Olives opposite to the Temple, perhaps gazing on it as
it shone in the last rays o... [ Continue Reading ]
_As for these things which ye behold_] Rather, THESE THINGS WHICH YE
ARE GAZING ON (it is what is called the -pendent nominative").
_there shall not be left one stone upon another_ See on Luke 19:44 and
the remarkable passage in _2Es 10:54_, "in the place where the Highest
beginneth to shew _His_cit... [ Continue Reading ]
_they asked him_ The questioners were Peter and James and John and
Andrew, Mark 13:3.
_when...and what sign_ Our Lord leaves the former question unanswered
(see on Luke 17:20) and only deals with the latter. This was His
gentle method of discouraging irrelevant or inadmissible questions
(comp. Luke... [ Continue Reading ]
8-27. Signs of the End.
8. _Take heed that ye be not deceived_ A danger incurred even by the
elect. Matthew 24:24. The moral key-notes of this great Discourse of
the Last. Things (Eschatology) are Beware! Watch! Endurel Pray!
_for many shall come in my name_ "Even now are there many
antichrists,... [ Continue Reading ]
_wars and commotions_ The best comment on the _primary_fulfilment of
this Discourse is the _Jewish War_of Josephus, and the Annals and
History of Tacitus (_Ann._xii. 38, xv. 22, xvi. 13), whose narrative
is full of earthquakes, wars, crimes, violences and pollutions, and
who describes the period whi... [ Continue Reading ]
_earthquakes_ Tac. _Hist._I. 2. For such physical portents at great
crises see Thuc. i. 23; Tac. _Ann._xii. 43, 64, _Hist._i. 56; Liv.
xliii. 13, &c.
_famines_ Acts 11:28. The original gives the common _paronomasia_
(play on words) _limoi kai loimoi._
pestilences Josephus (_B_. J _._vi. 9, § 3) me... [ Continue Reading ]
_they shall lay their hands on you_, &c. The best comment on the whole
verse is found in Acts 4:3; Acts 5:17-41; Acts 6:11-13; Luke 12:2;
Luke 16:19-31; 2 Timothy 4:16-17. Comp. John 15:20; John 16:2-3.... [ Continue Reading ]
_for a testimony_ See Mark 13:9. "In nothing terrified by your
adversaries, which is to them _an evident token of perdition_, but _to
you of salvation,"_Philippians 1:28. "A manifest token of the
righteous judgment of God," 2 Thessalonians 1:5.... [ Continue Reading ]
_not to meditate before_ Luke 12:11; Matthew 10:19-20. The meaning is
that they were neither to _be anxious about_the form of their
Apologia, not to make it skilfully elaborate.^_... [ Continue Reading ]
_I will give you a mouth_ as in Exodus 4:11-12; Jeremiah 1:9; Isaiah
6:6. God, as Milton says, -sendeth forth His cherubim with the
hallowed fire of His altar to touch the lips of whom He will."
_shall not be able to gainsay_ See Acts 4:14; Acts 6:1 o.
__... [ Continue Reading ]
_ye shall be betrayed_ In consequence of the disunions prophesied in
Luke 1:34; Luke 12:53; Matthew 10:21.
_some of you_ of the four to whom He was immediately speaking, perhaps
all, and certainly two were martyred.... [ Continue Reading ]
_hated of all men_ Luke 2:34; Luke 6:22; John 17:14; 1Pe 4:14; 1 Peter
4:16. "As concerning this sect we know that everywhere it is spoken
against," Acts 28:22. "We have found this man a pestilent fellow, and
a mover of sedition, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes,"
Acts 24:5. "They speak... [ Continue Reading ]
_not a hair of your head_ for they are "all numbered," Matthew 10:30.
The previous verse (Luke 21:16) is of course sufficient to shew that
the meaning is _spiritual_here, not literal as in Acts 27:34.
_shall...perish_ i.e. not without the special Providence of God, nor
without reward, nor before th... [ Continue Reading ]
_In your patience possess ye your souls_ Rather, with the better
13:13. The need of patience and endurance to the end is very
prominently inculcated in the N. T., Rom 5:3; 2 Thessalonians 3:4;
Hebrews 10:36; James 1:4, &c. Endurance... [ Continue Reading ]
_Jerusalem compassed with armies_ See on Luke 19:43, and Jos. _B.J._
v. 2, § 6, 12. Some regard this as the "abomination that maketh
__... [ Continue Reading ]
_them which are in Judea_ This expression again most clearly proves
what was the _near horizon_of this Prophecy.
_flee to the mountains_ The Christians, in consequence of "a certain
oracular utterance" (Euseb. _H. E._iii. 5), or an angel-warning
(Epiphan. _Haer._i. 123), but more probably in conseq... [ Continue Reading ]
_the days of vengeance_ See Daniel 9:26-27. Josephus again and again
calls attention to the abnormal wickedness of the Jews as the cause of
the divine retribution which overtook them. In his _Wars of the
Jews_he declares that no generation and no city was "so plunged in
misery since the foundation o... [ Continue Reading ]
_woe unto them that are with child_ The -woe" is only an expression of
pity for them because their flight would be retarded or rendered
_great distress...and wrath_ 1 Thessalonians 2:16, "Wrath is come upon
them to the uttermost." Josephus says that, when there were no more to
plunder o... [ Continue Reading ]
_fall by the edge of the sword_ Literally, "_mouth of the sword."
Genesis 34:26; Genesis 34:1_,100, Genesis 34 Jews are said to have
perished in the war and siege. "It seems as though the whole race had
appointed a rendezvous for extermination." Renan.
_led away captive into all nations_ Josephus s... [ Continue Reading ]
_signs in the sun_, _and in the moon, and in the stars_ The articles
should be omitted. These signs are mainly metaphorical the eclipse of
nations and the downfall of potentates though there may be literal
fulfilments also. The language is that of the ancient prophets, Amos
8:9; Joel 2:30-31; Ezekie... [ Continue Reading ]
_men's hearts failing them_ Literally, _"men fainting."_
on the earth Literally, _"on the habitable world."_
the powers of heaven i.e. the "bright dynasts" (Aesch. _Ag. 6)_the
Hosts of the Heavens.... [ Continue Reading ]
_coming in a cloud Metaphorically_in great world crises (Matthew
16:17; Matthew 16:28); _actually_at the Last Coming. Acts 1:11;
Matthew 26:64; Revelation 14:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
28. Hope for the Faithful.
28. _look up_ The -earnest expectation" (_apokaradokia_-watching with
outstretched neck") of the creature, Romans 8:19; Romans 8:23. This
verb _anakuptein_only occurs in Luke 13:11. Comp. Matthew 24:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
29-36. Parable of the Fig-tree. Duty of Watchfulness.
29. _and all the trees_ This is added by St Luke only. The fig-tree
would be specially significant to Jewish readers.... [ Continue Reading ]
_32_. _This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled_
This verse has a nearer and a farther meaning. That very generation
would not have passed when, 40 years later, the Jewish nation was
crushed, and the Mosaic dispensation rendered impossible. But
_genea_also means race, and the Jewis... [ Continue Reading ]
_Heaven and earth shall pass away 2 Peter 3:7_; Isaiah 51:6; Psalms
_but my words shall not pass away_ Rather, MY SAYINGS, my utterances.
Isaiah 40:8.... [ Continue Reading ]
_surfeiting_ The headache after drunkenness. Lat. _crapula._
drunkenness Comp. Romans 13:13. Hence the exhortation "be sober,"
_nepsate,_1 Peter 4:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:6.
_cares of this life_ Comp. Matthew 13:22 _._The surfeit of
_yesterday;_ drunkenness of _today;_cares for _to-morrow_(Van
Ooster... [ Continue Reading ]
_as a snare_ Ecclesiastes 9:12 "as the fishes that are taken in an
evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare, so are the
sons of men snared in an evil time." There is the same metaphor in
Isaiah 24:17. The common metaphor is "_as a thief_" 1 Thessalonians
5:3; Revelation 3:3; Revelatio... [ Continue Reading ]
_pray always_ Luke 18:1; Ephesians 6:18. Render, WATCH YE AT ALL
_accounted worthy_ See on Luke 20:35. Another reading is _"ye may
prevail_" (_katischusete)._
to stand before the Son of man "The ungodly shall not stand in the
judgment," Psalms 1:5. "Who shall stand when... [ Continue Reading ]
38. How Jesus spent the last Public Days of His Ministry.
37. _in the day time_ Rather, during the days. The notice is
retrospective, applying to Palm Sunday, and the Monday and Tuesday in
Passion Week. After Tuesday evening He never entered the Temple again.
Wednesday and Thursday were spent in a... [ Continue Reading ]
_came early in the morning_ The verb, which does not occur elsewhere
in the N.T., means - _resorted to Him at early dawn?_Jeremiah 29:19,
-rising up early" (LXX.). -
_in the temple_ Comp. Luke 19:47; Acts 5:21. They came for the last
time on Tuesday morning. On the Thursday morning, Nisan 13, our L... [ Continue Reading ]