with his men of war Literally, "with his armies fi.e. with his soldiers.

set him at nought treating Him not as a criminal,but only as a person worthy of contempt. "He is despised and rejected of men;" "he was despised and we esteemed him not," Isaiah 53:3.

in a gorgeous robe Literally, "bright raiment," Acts 10:30. Probably a whitefestal garment.

sent him again anepempsenas before remisit in forum apprchensionis. This involved a seconddistinct acquittal of our Lord from every political charge brought against Him. Had He in any way been guilty of either (r) perverting the people, (2) forbidding to pay tribute, or (3) claiming to be a king, it would have been Herod's duty, and still more his interest, to punish Him. His dismissal of the case was a deliberate avowal of His innocence.

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