- 38. The Crucifixion and Mockery. The Title.

33. the place, which is called Calvary It is nowhere in Scripture called -a hill," and it was certainly not in any sense a steep or lofty hill. The only grounds for speaking of it as a hill are (1) tradition; and (2) the name. Calvary is the Latin form of Golgotha, and means -a skull" (as the same Greek word kranionis rendered in Matthew 27:33). Like the French Chaumont, this name might describe a low rounded hill. Ewald identifies it with Gareb (Jeremiah 31:39), and Kraft accordingly derives Golgotha from גל, -hill," and גועת, -death." The name has led to the legend about Adam's skull lying at the foot of the Cross, which is so often introduced into pictures.

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