in breaking of bread Rather, in the breaking of the bread. The alteration is important as giving to the act a sacramental character. It has been objected that Cleopas and his companion, not being Apostles, had not been present at the institution of the Lord's Supper; but this was by no means the onlyoccasion on which Christ had solemnly broken bread and blessed it (see Luke 9:16). St Mark adds that some of the disciples received even this narrative with distrust (Luke 16:13), which once more proves that, so far from being heated enthusiasts ready to accept any hallucination, they shewed on the contrary a most cautious reluctance in accepting even the most circumstantial evidence.

The young reader will be glad to see a part of the beautiful passage of Cowper on this scene:

"It happen'd on a solemn eventide

Soon after He who was our surety died,

Two bosom friends, each pensively inclined,

The scene of all those sorrows left behind,

Sought their own village, busied as they went

In musings worthy of this great event.

They spake of Him they loved, of Him whose life,

Though blameless, had incurred perpetual strife.

* * * * *

Ere yet they brought their journey to an end

A stranger joined them, courteous as a friend,

And asked them with a kind engaging air

What their affliction was, and begged a share.

* * * * *

He blessed the bread, but vanished at the word,

And left them bothexclaiming,"Twas the Lord!

Did not our hearts feel all He deigned to say,

Did not they burn within us by the way?"


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