that Elias had appeared In accordance with the prophecy of Malachi 4:5. The verb "appeared" is used instead of -risen again," because of Elijah's translation to heaven. The Talmud is full of the expected appearance of Elijah, and of instances in which he shewed himself to eminent Rabbis.

one of the old prophets Comp. Luke 7:16; Deuteronomy 18:15; Numbers 24:17. The Jews thought that Jeremiah or one of the other great prophets (see Luke 9:19) might rise to herald the Messiah, John 1:21. See Esther 2:10; Esther 2:18, "Tell my people...For thy help will I send my servants Isaiah and Jeremiah;" 1Ma 14:41, "Simon should be high priest... until there arose a faithful prophet." In 2MMalachi 2:4-8; 2Ma 15:13-16, Jeremiah appears in a vision. It was believed that he would reveal the hiding-place of the Ark, Urim, and Sacred Fire.

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