all the tithes More exactly, the whole tithe, R. V. Cf. Deuteronomy 26:12.

the storehouse This may have been the "great chamber", or "lean to", surrounding the second Temple on three sides, and consisting of three stories, each containing several rooms, which had been perverted from its original purpose as a receptacle of the tithes and offerings, and assigned by the High-priest to Tobiah, but which Nehemiah had restored to its proper use again (Nehemiah 10:38; Nehemiah 13:5-9; Nehemiah 13:12-13). It is not improbable that the "chambers", which abutted to the height of three stories on the walls of Solomon's Temple, were intended in like manner for storehouses (1 Kings 6:5-6). In the great Reformation under Hezekiah such chambers were "prepared", either built or restored, in some part of the Temple area, to receive the enormous influx of tithes and offerings (2 Chronicles 31:11-12).

meat The Hebrew word properly means "prey", or "booty". It has, however, the same meaning of "food" as here in Proverbs 31:15 (comp. Proverbs 30:8 for the verb in the same sense), and in Psalms 111:5.

the windows of heaven Comp. Genesis 7:11; Genesis 8:2; 2 Kings 7:2; 2 Kings 7:19.

thatthere shall notbe room enoughto receive it] Heb. till not enough. The ellipsis has been supplied in various ways: "till there be not (barely) enough, but much more than enough, i.e. abundance"; or "till there be no longer sufficiency with Me, or, as that can never be, in boundless measure". The rendering, however, of A.V. and R.V., is the simplest and most satisfactory.

The history of the Jews in the time of Hezekiah had already afforded an example of the reward of faithful obedience, in the matter of tithes and offerings, in overflowing abundance bestowed upon them by God. 2 Chronicles 31:10.

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