the devourer lit. eater, i.e. any insect, especially the locust, that would devour the fruits of the earth. The same verb is used of the ravages of four insects, "probably different kinds of locusts, or locusts in different stages of growth" (R.V. marginal note), Joel 1:4.

The threatened curse was the "rebuke" (ch. Malachi 2:3, note) of the seed: the promised blessing is the "rebuke" of the devourer.

cast her fruit before the time lit. miscarry. Comp. "a miscarrying womb", Hosea 9:14; "miscarrying ground", 2Ki 2:19; 2 Kings 2:21. So Pliny speaks of "arborum abortus". (Pusey after Gesen.) In Revelation 6:13 we read: "the stars of the heaven fall unto the earth, as a fig tree casteth her unripe figs, when she is shaken of a great wind."

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