to judgment This is the answer to the challenge of the people at large, "Where is the God of judgment?" The "messenger" shall be sent. The Lord of the temple shall suddenly follow him (Malachi 3:1). His first work shall be to purify the priesthood (Malachi 3:2). That accomplished, He shall open His solemn assize for the people generally (Malachi 3:5).

a swift witness What need of further witnesses, when the Judge Himself is Witness also! "How great the dread of judgment, when He is witness and Judge! Witness too He is against all -sorcerers" and -adulterers", for these crimes are perpetrated in secret, and shall thus be brought forth to light, that they be hid no longer." Jerome, quoted by Rosenmuller. We have a similar example of the identity of Judge and Witness, Psalms 50:6-7.

By "swift" is denoted not only the alacrity of the witness, but the suddenness with which the judgment falls: "not only that which happens without delay, but also that which bursts unexpectedly, after an interval of time, upon those who forgetful of warnings are living in security. In that sense the day of final judgment is predicted as αἰφνίδιος and sudden, Luke 21:34." Rosenm. Comp. "suddenly", Malachi 3:1 above.

from his right] These words are added both in A.V. and R.V. The fuller, though somewhat different expression, "turn aside (-pervert" A.V., -wrest" R.V.) the judgment of the stranger", occurs Deuteronomy 24:17; Deuteronomy 27:19. All the sins enumerated in this verse are condemned in terms in the Law.

fear not me To this as to their root all the sins already mentioned are traced up, while at the same time many who were free from gross outward sins are by this condemned.

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