when they shall rise Had they known the power of God they could not have imagined that it was limited by death, or that the life of "the children of the resurrection" was a mere repetition of man's present mortal existence. Compare the argument of St Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:39-44, based on the endless variety of the creative power of God.

as the angels The Sadducees denied not only the Resurrection, but the existence also of angels and spirits (Acts 23:8). In His reply, therefore, our Lord embraces the whole area of their unbelief. He refers to the angels in heaven as persons, whose personal existence was a fact. Moreover in these words we have one of the few revelations which He was pleased to make as to the state after death. They imply that, as St Paul teaches, at the Resurrection "we shall be changed" (1 Corinthians 15:44), and the "spiritual body" will not be liable to the passions of the "natural body."

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