there shall not be left Though now they seem fixed in their places for eternity. And even as He said, less than forty years afterwards, "Zion was ploughed as a field, and Jerusalem became heaps, and the mountain of the House as the high places of the forest" (Micah 3:12). Titus himself was amazed at the massive buildings of Jerusalem, and traced in his triumph the hand of God (Jos. Bell. Jud. vi. 9. 1). At his departure after the capture of the city, he left the tenth legion under the command of Terentius Rufus to carry out the work of demolition, and Josephus tells us (Bell. Jud. vii. 1. 1) that the whole inclosing walls and precincts of the Temple were "so thoroughly levelled and dug up that no one visiting the city would believe it had ever been inhabited."

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