And Pilate asked him This was a private investigation within the prætorium, after the Jews, carefully suppressing the religious groundson which they had condemned our Lord, had advanced against Him a triple accusation of (i) seditious agitation, (ii) prohibition of the payment of the tribute money, and (iii) the assumption of the suspicious title of "King of the Jews." This was a politicalcharge, and one which Pilate could not overlook. Having no quæstorto conduct the examination, he was obliged to hear the case in person.

Thou sayest it St Mark does not mention here what we know from St John, (a) the inquiry of our Lord of Pilate why he asked the question, and (b) His explanation of the real nature of His kingdom (John 18:37-38). He brings out our Lord's acknowledgment of His regal dignity, though Pilate could not understand His meaning.

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