And he bought fine linen Thus successful, Joseph purchased fine (probably white) linen, the original word for which has been already explained in the note on ch. Mark 14:51, and then he repaired to Golgotha, where he was joined by Nicodemus, formerly a secret disciple like himself, but whom the Cross had emboldened to come forward and bring a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight(John 19:39), to do honour to the Lord of life.

wrapped him in the linen Thus assisted, Joseph took down the Holy Body, laid it in the fine linen, sprinkled the myrrh and aloes amongst the folds, and wound them round the wounded Limbs.

a sepulchre He then conveyed the Body to a new Tomb, wherein as yet no man had ever been laid, and which he had hewn out of the limestone rock in a garden he possessed hard by Golgotha (John 19:41). He was anxious probably himself to be buried there in the near precincts of the Holy City. Here now they laid the Holy Body in a niche in the rock, and

rolled a stone of large size (Matthew 27:60) to the horizontal entrance, while

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