a convenient day i. e. a suitable day for her fell designs.

on his birthday In imitation of the Roman emperors, the Herodian princes kept their birthdays with feasting and revelry and magnificent banquets. Wieseler, however, considers the word denotes a feast celebrating Herod's accession, but this is more than doubtful. Birthday festivals were one sample of foreign habits introduced into Palestine and spread there by the Herodians.

made a supper probably at Machærus or some neighbouring palace.

lords, high captains or "chiliarchs." The words here used denote servants of the state, civil and military.

chief estates This term denotes men of high rank, and includes the Galilæan nobles generally. Comp. Fuller Ch. Hist. V. iii. 28, "God never gave grace nor knowledge of Holy Scripture to any great estateor rich man." State is also employed in the same way. Thus Adams says (Nichol's Puritan Divines), "Sin deals with her guests as that bloody prince that, having invited many great statesto a solemn feast."

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