Matthew 16:1. _The Pharisees also with the Sadducees_ "The Pharisees"
(Mark). The coalition between these opposing sects can only be
accounted for by the uniting influence of a strong common hostility
against Jesus.
_a sign from heaven_ They could not perceive the inner beauty of
Christ's teaching,... [ Continue Reading ]
_the face of the sky_ Perhaps Jesus and his questioners were looking
across the lake towards the cliffs of Gergesa, with the sky red from
the reflected sunset. In Luke the signs are "a cloud rising in the
west" and the blowing of the "south wind."
_the signs of the times_ Which point in many ways t... [ Continue Reading ]
_adulterous_ See ch. Matthew 12:39.
_the sign of the prophet Jonas_ See ch. Matthew 12:39-41. The words in
Mark 8:12 are "there shall no sign be given unto this generation," i.
e. no such sign as they demanded.... [ Continue Reading ]
The Leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees
Mark 8:14-21, where the rebuke of Christ is given more at length in
stirring language; and Luke 12:1, where the context is different.... [ Continue Reading ]
_It is because we have taken no bread_ "Neither had they more than one
loaf" (Mark). It is possible that Jesus may have employed figurative
language even more than was usual with Eastern teachers; certainly
this special metaphorical use of leaven was new. See Lightfoot _ad
loc_. Again, the Pharisees... [ Continue Reading ]
_Then understood they_ The Greek word and its derivative is used
specially of spiritual intelligence.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Cesarea Philippi_ The most northerly point reached by our Lord. The
city was rebuilt by Herod-Philip, who called it by his own name to
distinguish it from Cæsarea Stratonis on the sea coast, the seat of
the Roman government, and the scene of St Paul's imprisonment.
The Greek name of this Cæsarea w... [ Continue Reading ]
The great Confession of St Peter, and the Promise given to him
Mark 8:27-30: The question is put "while they were on the way," the
words "the Son of the living God" are omitted, as also the blessing on
Peter. Luke 9:18-20: Jesus was engaged in prayer alone; the words of
the confession are "the Chri... [ Continue Reading ]
_Jeremias_ Named by St Matthew only. He is mentioned as a
representative of the Prophets, because in the Jewish Canon the book
of Jeremiah came first of the Prophets, following the books of Kings.
See Lightfoot, on ch. Matthew 27:9.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God_ This confession not
only sees in Jesus the promised Messiah, but in the Messiah recognises
the divine nature. He is more than one of the old prophets risen from
the dead.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Bar-jona_ "son of Jonah." Bar is Aramaic for son; cp. Barabbas,
Bar-tholomew, Bar-nabas.
_for flesh and blood,_ &c. Not man, but God; "flesh and blood" was a
common Hebrew expression in this contrast.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church_ Cp. Isaiah
28:16, from which passage probably the expression is drawn. There is a
play on the words "Peter" and "rock" which is lost in the E. V. It may
be seen in a French rendering, "Tu es Pierre et sur cette pierre je
bâtirai mon Eglise.... [ Continue Reading ]
_the keys of the kingdom of heaven_ This expression was not altogether
new. To a Jew it would convey a definite meaning. He would think of
the symbolic key given to a Scribe when admitted to his office, with
which he was to open the treasury of the divine oracles. Peter was to
be a Scribe in the kin... [ Continue Reading ]
_they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ_ Lest the
Galilæan enthusiasm should endeavour to make Him a king.... [ Continue Reading ]
_From that time forth_ An important note of time. Now that the
disciples have learned to acknowledge Jesus to be the Messiah, He is
able to instruct them in the true nature of the Kingdom.
_elders and chief priests and scribes_=the Sanhedrin. See ch. Matthew
2:4, and Matthew 26:3.
_be killed_ As y... [ Continue Reading ]
The Passion is foretold
Mark 8:31-33; Luke 9:22. St Luke omits the rebuke to Peter... [ Continue Reading ]
_Be it far from thee, Lord_ Literally, (1) "_may God pity thee_," i.
e. "_give thee a better fate_," or (2) "_pity thyself_.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Get thee behind me, Satan_ Peter takes the place of the tempter, and
argues for the false kingdom instead of for the true. If the words of
the tempter are in Peter's mouth he is addressed as the tempter; when
he speaks the words of truth he is the foundation-stone of the Church.
_an offence unto m... [ Continue Reading ]
_take up his cross_ St Luke adds "daily." The expression, ch. Matthew
10:38, differs slightly, "he that taketh not his cross," where see
note.... [ Continue Reading ]
Self-renouncement required in Christ's followers. Their Reward. Mark
8:34 to Mark 9:1; Luke 9:23-27... [ Continue Reading ]
_whosoever will save his life shall lose it_ See note, ch. Matthew
10:39. Let Christ's follower lose the lower life on his cross, crucify
his earthly affections, and he shall win the higher spiritual life
here and hereafter.
_will save_ Not the mere future, but= "shall resolve to save.... [ Continue Reading ]
_and lose his own soul_ The Greek word translated "life" in the
preceding verse is here translated "soul," which is life in its
highest phase.... [ Continue Reading ]
_For_ The reason given why the higher life the soul is of priceless
value: (1) The Judge is at hand who will condemn self-indulgence and
all the works of the lower life, and will reward those who have denied
themselves. (2) Further (Matthew 16:28) this judgment shall not be
delayed it is very near.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Taste of death_ Compare
The valiant never taste of death but once. _Jul. Caes._Act. ii. 2.
St Matthew's version of this "hard saying" indicates more plainly than
the other Synoptic Gospels, the personal presence of Christ. St Mark
has, "till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power;" St... [ Continue Reading ]