Christ's Little Ones. Mark 9:37

The thought of Jesus passes from the dispute among His disciples to the care of His little ones, the young in faith, who, if they have the weakness, have also the humility of little children.

whoso shall receive It is a sacrament of lovingkindness when Christ Himself is received in the visible form of His little ones. To receiveis to welcome, shew kindness to.

a millstone Literally, a millstone turned by an ass, and so larger than the ordinary millstone. Cp. Ovid (Fastivi. 318): "Et quæ pumiceas versat asella molas."

The manner of death alluded to appears to have been unknown to the Jews. But Plutarch mentions this punishment as being common to Greece and Rome. Cp. Juv. Sat.xiv. 16, 17, where, as in other places, it is named rather than the cross as a swift and terrible penalty for crime.

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